Thursday 7 January 2021

Hello 2021, Bye 2020!

 Ga berasa ya, 2021 udah jalan seminggu. Berasa ga sih? Gue sih enggak. Macem numpang lewat aja jadinya. Walopun agak telat gapapa kali ya say goodbye dulu ke 2020 dan ngasih sambutan ke 2021. 

Thanks for the tough year, 2020. I can't still imagine how 2020 just passed with just little memories. But it's a blessed when you got through 2020 with good health. Hope this sickness will be cured soon in this new year. 

For you, 2021, hopefully you will be wonderful year, not just for me, but for everyone. Give us tons of happiness for joyful life. I hope I'll get what I dreamed about. I need to make or get new experiences, challenges, chances, skills, knowledge, and of course friends.

I'm curious about how my life will be going. I hope that'll be super fun. Whatever happens just let it go. My life should go on no matter what. My goal in life is to make the people around me happy with what I do. That'll make me happier 😉

It's easy to say. But I think it'll be harder when I try to do. I should be a tough person to achieve, reach, and get whatever I want. Don't be silly! Don't be whiny! Keep fighting! 화이팅!